A woman is presenting in front of a purple circle.
Incubators & accelerators

Join the CATAL1.5°T network and empower climate tech start-ups

Become a vital part of your local climate innovation ecosystem with our expertise, trainings and contacts.

Benefit from the potential of climate tech in your region and integrate DEI and ESG into your programmes.

As the effects of climate change continue to unfold globally, the need for solutions addressing and adapting to climate change is critical. Together, we can keep global warming close to 1.5 °C.

CATAL1.5°T provides you with the knowledge, tools and a network of domain experts and investors, so you can support your local start-ups, entrepreneurs and founders in building a net-zero future.

With our coaches’ experience, you can make diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and environmental, social and governance (ESG) an integral part of your services.
Be part of our future-oriented dialogues with other incubators and accelerators, the VC community and policymakers.

What does CATAL1.5°T do for incubators & accelerators?


Venture into climate tech

Become an expert on climate tech and how to support start-ups with climate tech solutions with our pioneering trainings.


Strengthen your local ecosystem

Our coaches train you in ESG to engage more investors and stakeholders and apply ESG and DEI in your own organisation.


Expand your network

Gain new insights into your ecosystem and establish lasting contacts with experts, investors and policymakers.

Frequently asked questions

You’ve got questions? Here you can find answers. If you have further questions, contact us via the contact form below.
A purple background with a circle in the middle.

Get insights and inspiration

Dive into insights from our ongoing and completed programmes, best practices and lessons learned as we work together to build climate ventures for a net-zero world.
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CATAL1.5°T for start-ups

An image of a woman using a tablet in a field.


You've got an innovative idea to tackle climate change? Develop it at our Climathons (climate hackathons) – together with other innovators and entrepreneurs from your region!


Your climate solution needs a boost to hit the market? No problem with our pre-accelerator programme: Get from early stage to market readiness with technical support and grants!


You already have a MVP and first users? Our accelerator programme provides you with tailored coaching and mentoring and repayable grants. Let's find a way through the "valley of death" and scale your business!

Looking for promising investment opportunities?

We connect you with climate ventures, that take ESG seriously and have expert-validated impact forecasts.