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InvestorsÁfrica Occidental

ESG Training for West African Venture Capital Investors

18.07.2024 - 07:00 UTC-7

First CATAL1.5°T ESG Training for West African Venture Capital Investors happening in Senegal

In July 2024, the first CATAL1.5°T Initiative ESG Training for West African Venture Capital Investors will be held.

For this purpose, eight pre-selected venture capital investors from Senegal and other West African countries will undergo an intensive two-day training on how to best incorporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles into their investment decisions and due diligence processes. The training includes input by experienced guest speakers, case studies, best practice insights and practical examples to the day-to-day reality of investors. ESG-trained investors can then provide a valuable addition to the regional climate innovation ecosystem.

The goal of this training is to create a thriving, well-connected climate innovation ecosystem and to leverage the impact that the CATAL1.5°T accelerator programs can have on their own by also strengthening the capacities of local investors and other players in the ecosystem. The training is complemented by a networking event that givesinvestors, interested startups, accelerators, and other ecosystem actors from the region the opportunity to connect.